Yoga Vs Obesity
Vishal Kumar (M.Sc. Yoga Therapist and QCI Yoga Instructor since 2018) Hi Readers! If you like this post then do comment and follow. Obesity often leads to constipation. If you want to learn about how yoga defeat constipation click here . Out of 7 billion homo-sapiens, 2 billion are overweight. This epidemic snatches 8 years of precious life span (on average) of an obese person. Obesity simply means fat accumulation, which is unnecessary and undesirable. Food is simply energy. More energy intake and less expenditure lead to obesity. Obesity is a modern life cancer. This unwanted guest is complementary with the so-called modern-day lifestyle, which is more or less a compound of 2 major components viz, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diet. Modern man had pushed physical fitness in the back seat and made a money driver, with an unhealthy lifestyle as co-passenger. All general procedures, to reduce obesity involve dietary restrictions but yoga (without diet restrictions) could larg...