Yoga Vs Asthma

Vishal Kumar (M.Sc. Yoga Therapist and QCI Yoga Instructor since 2018).
Almost 339 million people suffer from asthma worldwide. The respiration of these air hungry people becomes more laboured, with physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.
Asthmatic patients have hyper-sensitive airways. Basically, asthma is caused by mucus secretion in excessive amount. This distressing condition comes with sense of suffocation., coughing and wheezing. Starting from few minutes an asthma attack could last for hours. Eventually, an asthmatic is forced to live in an isolation, with decreased quality of life. It also affects normal personal and social relationship. 
FACT: Asthma attack increases in winter and rainy seasons.


FACT: '1' out of '250' death worldwide, is due to asthma.

Asthma is ac-complained by bouts of emotional and psychological tension. Nasal congestion and sneezing are the common symptoms of asthma. Sometimes, when enough oxygen do not enter body, the color of mucus becomes bluish. 
Long term asthmatic patients develops permanently expanded rib - cage and hunching of shoulders (common in children and adolescents).
Psychological factors 
  • Loss of parent, child or partner act like trigger for development of asthma
  • Thoughts of jealously, anger and hatred.
  • Passed from one generation to another.
Allergic factors
  • Pollen
  • Molds
  • Air pollution
  • Smoke

FACT : Obesity is one of the leading cause of asthma (Click here to know the yoga therapy for Obesity)

Mechanism - How your gut is related to Asthma?
Modern medical science do not provide a permanent solution for asthma. In fact, it makes the patient weaker and sicker. Following are some anti-inflammatory elements, which are beneficial for asthmatic patient:

Constipation is one of the biggest hurdle in tackling asthma. Thus, first and foremost thing one should do to treat asthma is to get relief from constipation. Constipation (which is both physical and mental condition) when cured successfully releases tremendous mental and emotional energy. 

(Click here to know full yogic protocol for constipation.)

Note: Perform these practices, under competent yoga teacher or instructor. 

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