Understanding PCOS in scientific way!
Simultaneously, leading menstrual cycle (3 steps):-
- Hormonal secretion and their changes
- Changes in ovary
- Endometrium thickening of uterus.
Menstrual cycle can easily understood by dividing it into four stages:-
- In the first stage, considered as menses phase or periods. It starts from 1st day and lasts up to the 4th or 5th day of the cycle. If pregnancy not occurs, the endometrium rupturing the blood vessels of the uterus along with unfertilized egg i.e. periods. During this stage level of hormones i.e., estrogen and progesterone are low, that’s why women feel low energy and irritation.
· In the second stage, also known as the proliferative or follicular phase. It starts after the menses phase and lasts up to the 14th day of the cycle. During this period FSH release from the anterior pituitary and promotes the development of primary follicle in one of the two ovaries. During development, ovary follicle secretes estrogen at a higher level. Maximum estrogen secretes on the 12th day of the cycle and this response makes the lining of the uterus grow and thicken i.e. endometrium thickening takes place. This thickening rich in blood and nutrient so that it nourishes an embryo after fertilization if pregnancy occurs.
· Third and most important event “ovulation” i.e. releasing of a mature egg from the ovary into a Fallopian tube. This is the 14th day of the cycle. A high level of LH sparks ovulation and promotes the development of corpus luteum which secretes progesterone. During the 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th days of the cycle, there is a maximum chance to get fertilizing an egg by the sperm.
Note: In PCOS, the ovulation doesn’t occur on the 14th day means the proliferative phase ends after a long time. So, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular.· The fourth and last stage is also known as the secretory phase. It starts from the 15th day and lasts up to the 28th day of the cycle. During this phase level of progesterone high and uterine endometrium layer fully developed and ready for implantation. If pregnancy occurs level of progesterone remains high and the endometrium layer doesn’t rupture, while it supports developing embryo. If egg not fertilized the endometrium sheds off due to low levels of hormones and females get periods.
Normal cycle Vs PCOS cycle
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