Yoga Vs Constipation

Vishal Kumar (M.Sc. Yoga Therapist and QCI Yoga Instructor since 2018) 

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Constipation often leads to obesity, if you want to learn about how yoga defeat obesity click here.

27% of the world's population is affected by chronic constipation

  • Western countries - 30%
  • Eastern countries - 11%

Constipation is a usual disorder and challenge for adults who are above 65 years of age. However, it could affect any age group, irrelevant of their origin, profession, and gender.

The reduction of bowel movement (less than 4 times per week) is constipation. This GI tract issue is very common all over the globe, which notably affects the standard of living, community behavior, and daily activities. People suffering from this common GI problem, try to pass stool but could not get success even after trying very hard. 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the main causes of constipation. This IBS could be classified into two types:-

  • Diarrhoea predominant 
  • Constipation predominant.

People suffering from constipation falls under the category of constipation-predominant. IBS (constipation-predominant) could be triggered by the following factors:

Thus, we could say that food, stress, hormonal imbalance, and emotional heaviness are the main causes of constipation. Researches show that women suffer more than men from this GI disorder.    


Role of Yoga in Constipation

Researches had proven that doing yoga daily for 1 hour, is significantly helpful in providing relief in GI tract disorders. 

Yoga could be used complementary therapy as well as an alternative therapy in GI tract disorder (like constipation), depending upon the level of kriya, you are performing. 

Yoga protocol for Constipation

NOTE: Do these practices of yoga, only under expert guidance.

Laghu sankhapraschalana
(Do this practice once in 2 weeks, under expert guidance)

What do you think about yoga's capability to tackle constipation? Do share your experience and thoughts in the comment section. If you find this blog post helpful, then share it with your friends and family! Any suggestion for the betterment of this blog is always welcome.


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