Yoga Vs PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Hi Readers! I am Vishal Kumar (M.Sc. Yoga Therapist and QCI Yoga Instructor since 2018)
Women are a symbol of beauty who are naturally blessed with the precious gift of God called motherhood. Right from the age of puberty, females start to feel this sense of motherhood. However, due to poor habits, diet, and lifestyle, some women themselves destroy this gift of the divine.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a psychosomatic disorder that ultimately leads to distorting the mental and physical health of women. Approximately, 10% of the women of the world are affected by PCOS. In short, PCOS is a complex ailment of women's reproductive system, when levels of androgen increases with menstrual irregularities and small cysts are formed in one or both ovaries.
It is a misconception, that cysts are harmful. Cysts are not harmful in themselves but they are the major cause of hormonal imbalances. This endocrine disorder is very common in women worldwide and in severe cases leads to infertility.
To know the scientific basics of PCOS - CLICK HERE
Obesity and stress are the major causes of PCOS. The flow-chart given below shows the relation between Obesity, stress, and PCOS symptoms.
Thus, the first step to manage PCOS is to lose extra Kg's from the body and remove the extra burden from the mind and soul. Sleeping in the day time, lack of exercise, and no proper routine leads to fat accumulation in the body.
Click on the links given below to know the full yoga protocol to deal with Obesity and stress.
These causes definitely put a question mark on fertility potential and feminine looks of a woman (because of hair on face and acne developed by PCOS).
Certainly, these risk factors make patient futile in his life. Yoga is very safe as well as an effective treatment for sufferers of PCOS. PCOS is basically a hormonal disorder. Yoga balances hormones and encourages egg production in females. Diabetes mellitus is very commonly found in the patient on PCOS.
Click the button given below to know about diabetes mellitus and its full yogic protocol.
Yoga Protocol for PCOS
Note: Perform these practices, under competent yoga teacher or instructor.
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