Yoga Vs Migraine

Vishal Kumar (M.Sc. Yoga Therapist and QCI Yoga Instructor since 2018)

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You will never understand, what is going in my head? It's like someone is playing drums rigorously.

This was said to me, by one of my close friends. He was dealing with a noisy monster, who is having an unstoppable party in his cranium. He cried in front of me and asked if yoga could help to deal with this disgusting pain. He felt like putting his head aside (Just kidding).


This throbbing pain shares a very close relationship with nausea and vomiting. This maddening headache makes a person photophobic (intolerant to light) and phonophobic (intolerant to sound).


  13% of the world's population is paying a heavy price in terms of money, time, energy, and quality of life. To cut the long thing short, vasodilation of the artery located outside the skull cause Migraine.

How to find whether pain in the head is a simple tension headache/sinuses headache or migraine?

 Unfortunately, there is no scientific laboratory test to diagnose migraine. This is the reason, that migraine had become one of the most misdiagnosed ailments. As a result, tension-type headache and sinuses headache falsely considered as migraine.

If you have migraine then following signs will appear:-

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • A headache will last up to 72 hours
  • A patient will become photophobic and phonophobic
  • Physical activity will enhance the headache
  • Pulsating type of headache
  • The pain will be severe and not mild.

Some general facts about migraine:-

  • Obesity is one of the main factors, responsible for migraines (You may see obesity and its cure with yoga here). 
  • The most affected age group is 15 to 55.
  • Migraine is more common in females than in males.
It is advisable to prepare a log of time, duration of pain, and diet taken to find out the trigger of migraines which could vary in different individuals. Avoiding triggers could help to prevent migraines.Long time management is very crucial for migraines.There are various types of migraines with their specific characteristics but I don't want to go further in much technical information as it will make your reading bland.

How yoga help in tackling migraines?

The approach of yoga towards migraine is different from conventional medicine. Yoga talks about a holistic approach. It reduces the intensity and frequency of migraines. Yoga (Especially meditation) help the patient of migraine in the following manner:-

  • Getting enough sleep (Yoga for insomnia)
  • Reducing stress
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Avoiding certain foods
  • Regular physical exercise

In short, Asana, pranayama, and dhyana together make the mind and body relaxed and calm, providing total psycho-physical relief to the patient. 

Yoga protocol for Migraine

 These practices of yoga should be done, under expert guidance.

What do you think about yoga's capability to tackle Migraine? Do share your experience and thoughts in the comment section. If you find this blog post helpful, then share it with your friends and family! Any suggestion for the betterment of this blog is always welcome.


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